Sunday, September 13, 2009

I love it here already!

My new bedroom with my nine new roommates! It's like sleeping in a cave with the mosquito nets!
Our bus to Choma from Livingston!

Africa is beautiful and I can see God's goodness painted all over!

Today I went to church where I will be attending for the next 10 weeks. The four hour service was amazing and I enjoyed every minute of it...yes, every minute! These people know how to love God! They know how to praise God! They have such strong faith that is so admirable!

And I already made a friend - Eliah! He is 2 years old and I held him while we stood in line, shaking hands with the whole congregation. Oh man! I get attached so easily! This may be bad!

1 comment:

Marianna said...

I'm glad you made it there safely and it sounds like you are going to have an amazing experience! Love the pictures! Keep them coming!
